Bharatratna Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
“God bless Siva Sakthi Kakkum Karangal. Almighty God is showering love and blessings through Vijayakumari. My greetings to God’s creations”
Bharatratna Sri.C.Subramaniam
“God is the saviour for hopeless human beings. Here, I am seeing the Human Gods. My best wishes for the children and staff”
Sri.P.S.Ramamohan Rao, Governor, Tamilnadu
“This is the Karmayoga. Dedication and selfservice to the least fortunate human beings to which category, the inmates of Siva Sakthi Sai group of Residential Homes belong, is undoubtedly the purest form of homage to the Almighty”
Justice Sri.M.Karpagavinayagam, High Court, Chennai
“Here is one who enjoys Service and Sacrifice, her name is Vijayakumari. She is another Annai Theresa, Yes; She is ‘Chennai Theresa’. Let Sai give his helping hands to serving and saving hands of Vijayakumari”
Sri N.Vittal IAS, Central Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Govt. of India
“ This institution is a source of inspiration to all those who came in contact with it. I admire the dedication and the spirit of service of all those in this institution. I am sure this institution will bring a great change in society”
Lt.General Arjun Ray VSM, Le & Ladakh
“We salute Viji for her noble contribution to humanity. She has brought in a lot of joy and happiness within the community. Person like Viji, I place on a higher pedestal than all the Godmen whose picture adorn the wall of this institute”
Smt.Roja, Cine Actress
“I enjoyed the time with the children and I was really surprised to notice the skills among them. I really feel to come here often and spend time with these children. I feel them as my brothers and sisters. I pray God to give me opportunity to serve these children and establish many more homes like this. I appreciate Vijayakumari for her dedication in this work”
Mr.G.K.Ramamurthy, Former M.D.,Crossland Pharma,Mumbai:
"Outstanding work that cannot be expressed in words. Kum.Vijayakumari is the most prized creations of God. I'm deeply moved upon seeing the children.May God bless ViJi with good health and long life.Our support will always be with her."
Mr.V.Shankar,Secretary, SIES, Mumbai:
"I visited God's abode today.May he shower his blessings upon them."
Mr.Arjun Raja(Late), Director, RAMCO Industries, Chennai:
"I am delighted to see Vijayakumari , who has dedicated herself to the services of the Lord by taking up the responsibility of serving the mentally challenged children,young and old alike.It is indeed a total sacrifice and absolute devotion on her part. May Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba bless her with long life, health and strength , to enable her to continue her service for many years to come."
Mr.K.B.Brahmadathan, Chief General Manager, BSNL Chennai Telephones:
"I am really moved by the yeomen service rendered by Vijayakumari and her team. I have no words to express my feelings. May God help her in all her future endeavours!. May God Bless her and her people and her inmates."
Mr.K.C.Chakrabarty, CMD, Indian Bank, Chennai
"It was a wonderful experience to visit' Siva Sakthi Homes' And see how for mentally retarded children, who are generally neglected in our society , an appropriate environment can be created by giving meaning to their life. A great effort by all concerned. Please keep it up"
Mr.Walter Davaram IPS, Former DGP, Tamilnadu
"I am very impressed with great work that is being done by the home run by Vijayakumari and her helpers. The work is so silent that I have never heard of it till today. I wish the Home many more years of service to unfortunate and helpless".
Mr.Sanjay Malhotra, Spice Energy, New Delhi
"It's a very emotionally moving experience to being here. The children of this house are blessed to have care takers like you who are willing to give a 100% of themselves for them. Wishing you all the best and any way one could contribute do please let's know"
Mr.M.S.Ramachandran, Former Chairman, Indian Oil Corporation
" I am overwhelmed, by the atmosphere here, so full of love and selfless service. This Home is truly a Home for Mentally /Physically Challenged children and destitute adults. Ms. Viji is a personification of all that in Godly in this world. I hope visit them often"